No one signed up for trail, so this one will be a recycled trail.
Start: Hancock Park (on C st. SW between 7th st. SW and 9th st. SW in DC) (Don’t look at Spelunker, Late Nite picked the start, apparently she likes Cock)
Hares: Late Nite Drive Thru & Ass Spelunker
Time: 3pm
Cost: $6
Details: A-B (5 blocks is B, when you are in DC). Low to no shiggy trail. Mostly pavement. Should be stroller & dog friendly. A few tourist opportunities.
Metro: L’enfant Plaza is the closest metro, about a quarter mile.
Parking: It may be $2.30/hour to park at a meter in DC. Meters run until 6:30pm. At least according to the parking website.
On After: Somewhere at the Wharf – we will take suggestions
Gripes and complaints: Spelunker @757-636-2524
If you live near Alexandria, take the water taxi to the Wharf – it should be a beautiful day to get on a boat!